Database Search Database Search was last modified: giugno 28th, 2016 by DISAFA, University of Turin Searches may be made based on chromosome (single/multiple selection or whole genome), SSR characterstics and further limits Ccardunculus Version v.0.1 Chromosome(s) Select one (or more) to continue 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 CLEARWHOLE GENOME Genic markers Search for genic markers and show gene codes Search for genic markers only Microsatellite characteristics Select repeat kind, type and specify Motif Repeat kind PERFECT IMPERFECT Motif type all MONO DI TRI TETRA PENTA HEXA Motif Search limits Advanced Search: optional restrictions (search for the first 10 markers if not specified) Search for the first last markers in the range and # SSR repeat between and